Polling and the 2024 Election
Join us as marketing research expert and political pollster Josh Libresco returns to Commonwealth Club World Affairs to provide us with insights into political polls and how they successfully — and sometimes not so successfully — predict American elections.
Libresco will explain how political polling has changed in 2024 to account for both the changing profile of American voters and the increasing challenges of getting people to agree to be interviewed. He will also review where we stand as Election Day 2024 approaches — both for the presidential race and for important statewide races in California.
A Humanities Member-led Forum program. Forums at the Club are organized and run by volunteer programmers who are members of The Commonwealth Club, and they cover a diverse range of topics. Learn more about our Forums.
Speaker photo courtesy the speaker; polling sign photo by Phil Hearing/Unsplash.
The Commonwealth Club of California
110 The Embarcadero
Toni Rembe Rock Auditorium
San Francisco, CA 94105
United States

Josh Libresco
Executive Vice President, The OSR Group; Market Researcher and Political Pollster for more than 30 years, including at Opinion Research Corporation and The Harris Poll

In Conversation with George Hammond
Author, Conversations With Socrates