The Commonwealth is the award-winning magazine of The Commonwealth Club of California.
Read the current edition.
For more than 80 years, The Commonwealth has included important speeches and debates held at the Club, provided valuable background for the topics discussed in Club proceedings, and previewed the Club's extensive list of upcoming events. The words of speakers such as FDR, Martin Luther King Jr., Ronald Reagan, Nikita Khrushchev, Hillary Rodham Clinton, Francis Ford Coppola, Jane Goodall and David Brooks have appeared in its pages, along with related articles and interviews.
Members of The Commonwealth Club of California receive The Commonwealth as part of their membership. Members can also read and save the magazine in its digital format.
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To advertise, contact John Zipperer, vice president of media & editorial, at (415) 597-6715 or jzipperer@commonwealthclub.org.
Contact Us
The Commonwealth (ISSN 0010-3349) is published by The Commonwealth Club of California, 110 The Embarcadero, San Francisco, CA 94105. Subscription rate of $34 per year is included in annual membership dues. Copyright 2021 by The Commonwealth Club of California.
Delivery problems: (415) 597-6700
Letters to the editors: feedback@commonwealthclub.org
John Zipperer, Vice President of Media & Editorial
The Commonwealth Unbound
Our first all-digital magazine, The Commonwealth Unbound, is a 116-page publication filled with politics, arts, history, technology and more. The magazine has featured Robert Reich, Margaret Hoover, Jeremy Bailenson, Ted Danson, Jack Dorsey, Dr. Gloria Duffy, Patricia Wells, Thomas Keller and many others.
You can now buy a print-on-demand edition of The Commonwealth Unbound from Amazon.com.