Talmage Boston: How the Best Did It
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Join us in-person to hear Talmage Boston’s explanations of how the leadership traits of America’s eight greatest presidents could (or at least should) be implemented by our current political leaders.
Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, FDR, Eisenhower, Kennedy and Reagan are Boston’s choices for his reflections on successful political leadership, generating unusual insights due to his merger of history with leadership lessons for our time.
This event was rescheduled from July 29.
This program is online only. Register to receive a link to the live-stream video.
Commonwealth Club World Affairs of California is a nonprofit public forum; we welcome donations made during registration to support the production of our programming.
A Humanities Member-led Forum program. Forums at the Club are organized and run by volunteer programmers who are members of The Commonwealth Club, and they cover a diverse range of topics. Learn more about our Forums.
This program is part of our Good Lit series, underwritten by the Bernard Osher Foundation.
Photo courtesy the speaker.
All ticket sales are final and nonrefundable.
The Commonwealth Club of California
United States
Talmage Boston
Attorney; Historian; Author, How the Best Did It: Leadership Lessons from our Top Presidents
In Conversation with George Hammond
Author, Conversations With Socrates
3–4 p.m program
(all times Pacific Time)
Members receive 30–50 percent discounts (not a member? Join)
$37 nonmembers with a book