Journalist Joe Klein: The Primary Colors of Covering Politics
Joe Klein, Columnist, Time; Author, Charlie Mike: A True Story of Heroes Who Brought Their Mission Home and Primary Colors
Holly Kernan, Executive Editor, KQED News—Moderator
A Good Lit program, underwritten by the Bernard Osher Foundation
From the nitty gritty of election politics to international affairs, legendary reporter Joe Klein’s award-winning columns for Time magazine take us behind the scenes in the rough and tumble world of U.S. and global politics, elections and foreign affairs. Klein is the author of seven books—including the bestselling anonymously published novel Primary Colors about Bill Clinton’s 1992 presidential campaign. Join us as journalist Joe Klein discusses his new book and The Mission Continues, a program founded by Navy SEAL veteran Eric Greitens and former Marine Sergeant Jake Wood for veterans to continue providing public services within their local communities once they return home.
Klein will also dish on the pulse of politics and the roller coaster ride of covering presidential elections and world affairs.