The Age of Amazon and Twitter

Brad Stone, Senior Writer, Bloomberg Businessweek; Author, The Everything Store: Jeff Bezos and the Age of Amazon
Nick Bilton, Columnist, The New York Times; Author, Hatching Twitter: A True Story of Money, Power, Friendship and Betrayal
In conversation with Sir Michael Moritz, Chairman, Sequoia Capital

Stone and Bilton have delved deep to get the inside stories of Amazon and Twitter. Industry leaders today, these two behemoths once faced the common struggles of many startups. Learn from their founders’ stories, and hear how they overcame interpersonal power struggles and engineered new markets to create successful mega companies. Join us as Stone and Bilton share corporate profiles and recount the beginnings, the drama and the glory of Amazon and Twitter.

Location: SF Club Office
Time: 6 p.m. check-in and premium reception, 6:30 p.m. program, 7:30 p.m. general reception and book signing
Cost: General admission: $25 non-members, $15 members, $7 students (with valid ID); Premium ticket (includes both The Everything Store and Hatching Twitter, reserved seating and premium reception with speakers. Limited to 65 guests): $65 non-members, $50 members.

December 3, 2013