Clean Flow

Clean Money
Dennis McGinn, President, American Council on Renewable Energy
Clint Wilder, Author, Clean Tech Nation
John Bohn, CEO, Renewable Energy Trust (invited)

The funding outlook is cloudy for parts of the clean energy sector. Production tax credits for wind energy may expire at the end of the year, and some members of Congress are taking aim at military spending on innovative biofuels as Pentagon budget cuts loom. Since the Solyndra disaster, there's been vigorous debate about what level of risk government should take with taxpayer money. Yet many major advances in American energy and transportation – from jet engines to interstate highways and nuclear power – involved public-private partnerships.

Can government and business partnerships around clean fuels be forged in the current political climate? What technology areas are most promising? What policies are having the most impact? Join a discussion about getting the money flowing so clean energy can flow.

Location:  SF Club Office
Time: 11:30 a.m. check-in, noon program
Cost: $20 standard, MEMBERS FREE, $7 students (with valid ID)

If you would like to purchase tickets for this event please visit or call our box office at 415-597-6705.












September 28, 2012