What Is a Psychopath?
What Is a Psychopath?
Hari Murthy, Psychological Assessment Services Coordinator, San Quentin State Prison
Ponder this chilling fact: Chances are, you’ve already met at least one psychopath. Psychopathy is a diagnostic term used to classify men and women who, due to an ingrained antisocial lifestyle, display prominent interpersonal problems and a marked lack of empathy and conscience, pose a unique danger to society. They’re not all in prisons, either. The great majority live in our communities. Murthy will explain how psychopaths can be diagnostically identified and how they are biologically different from the rest of us.
Location: SF Club Office
Time: 4:45 networking reception, 5:15 p.m. program
Cost: MEMBERS FREE, $20 non-members
Program Organizer: Patrick O’Reilly