Robert Frank

Commonsense Principles for Troubled Times

Robert Frank, Professor of Economics, Cornell University; Columnist, The New York Times; Author, The Economic Naturalist’s Field Guide

A leading proponent of behavioral economics, Frank argues that nearly every decision we make is economic, our boundless desires constrained by our limited resources. Frank takes a closer look at major economic policies, as well as choices we make at home about when to spend (or save) our paychecks. Join us for this timely discussion.

Location: SF Club Office
Time: 5:30 p.m. networking reception, 6 p.m. program, 7 p.m. book signing
Cost: $12 members, $18 non-members, students free (wiith valid ID)


Professor of Economics, Cornell University; Columnist, The New York Times; Author, The Economic Naturalist’s Field Guide

Commonsense Principles for Troubled Times

A leading proponent of behavioral economics, Frank argues that nearly every decision we make is economic, our boundless desires constrained by our limited resources. Frank takes a closer look at major economic policies, as well as choices we make at home about when to spend (or save) our paychecks. Join us for this timely discussion.