Image - Mars
Silicon Valley

Exploring Mars with Pascal Lee, Andy Weir and Mary Roach

Sooner or later, humans will walk on the Red Planet. Weir and Lee want it to be “sooner,” and they have deep insights—both technical and psychological—about how to make it happen. Join Lee and Weir for a spirited conversation on the promise and peril of humanity’s first in-person exploration of an alien planet.


In association with Wonderfest, the Bay Area beacon of science

October 19, 2016

Cubberley Community Theatre
4000 Middlefield Road
Palo Alto, 94303
United States


Dr. Pascal Lee

Co-founder, Mars Institute; Planetary Scientist, SETI Institute; Principal Investigator of the Haughton-Mars Project, NASA Ames Research Center; Author, Mission: Mars

Andy Weir

Author, The Martian

Mary Roach

Author, Packing for Mars—Moderator