How to Self-Insure for Long Term Care

Denise Michaud, CLTC, Independent Insurance Broker 
Gene Pastula, CFP and President, Westland Financial Inc.
With two out of three people in retirement eventually requiring home and other convalescent care, paying for long-term care has become one of our society’s greatest financial concerns. The cost of care in the Bay Area is among the highest in the country, and planning ahead is still critical to managing out-of-pocket costs.
More and more people find it makes sense for them to leverage their own money with a special non-traditional long-term care plan. This alternative insurance has created options to leverage assets three to six times when they are needed most. Michaud and Pastula will discuss why many people reject traditional long-term care insurance and choose to self-insure with the help of a non-traditional LTC plan and how trends in legislation encourage this type of planning.

February 19, 2014