SFDebate Asks: Should Home Mortgage-Interest Continue to be Tax Deductible?

SFDebate Asks: Should Home Mortgage Interest Continue to Be Tax Deductible?

Currently, homeowners may deduct mortgage interest payments from their income tax. The interest paid on other types of personal loans is not deductible. Given current budget deficits, should home mortgage-interest continue to be deductible? Should the U.S. government continue to encourage home ownership through the tax code? How might the repeal of this tax credit harm home prices? Is home ownership beneficial to society at large, and does the encouragement of home ownership promote suburban sprawl and discourage urban living? Is this tax credit fair? What do you think? Join SFDebate to discuss these and other relevant questions in an open-floor debate, to hear the opinions of peers and community members and to voice your opinion. For more information on this debate and others please visit www.meetup.com/SFDebate
 SF Club Office
Time: 7-8:30 p.m. program
$5 standard, MEMBERS FREE

June 7, 2011