Why We Get Fat - Adiposity 101 and the Alternative Hypothesis of Obesity

Why We Get Fat: Adiposity 101 and the Alternative Hypothesis of Obesity

Gary Taubes, Science Journalist; Author, Good Calories, Bad Calories

Prepare to change everything you thought you knew about weight management. Since the 1950s, the conventional wisdom has held that we get fat because we eat too much and move too little. The problem, according to Taubes, is that doing the opposite – eating less and exercising more – seems to fail to cure the problem. Is our underlying hypothesis incorrect? Taubes argues that we get fat not because we consume more calories than we expend, but because the carbohydrates that we eat happen to be uniquely fattening, and that insulin levels are the real culprit behind obesity. Come hear Taubes’ take on diets and staying healthy.

MLF: Health & Medicine
SF Club Office
Time: 5:30 networking reception, 6 p.m. program
$8 members, $20 non-members
Buy the book: Purchase Gary Taubes' Good Calories, Bad Calories from The Commonwealth Club's online bookstore. If you order the book fewer than 5 days before the event, it will be available for pickup at the Commonwealth Club on the day of the event. If you purchase it more than 5 days before the event, the book will be sent to your address.
Program Organizers: Bill Grant and Patty James