Retirement: When and How to Start Planning

Retirement: When and How to Start Planning

Carroll Estes, Ph.D., Founder, Institute of Health and Aging, UCSF
Gretchen Hollstein, CFP®, Investment Advisor, Litman/Gregory Asset Management, LLC
Esther Koch, C.P.A., Gerontologist and President, Encore Management
John Milford, Executive Director, San Francisco Towers - Moderator

By the year 2030, the U.S. population aged 65 and older will double, making roughly 20 percent of the population over the legal age of retirement. While some social net exists in America, the baby boomers are beginning to retire and each individual’s responsibility to save is more real now than ever before. As America continues to age, what does each person need to know and plan for? Start your thinking, planning and acting by posing your questions to a panel of aging and retirement experts.

Location: SF Club Office
Time: 11:30 a.m. check-in, noon program
, $15 non-members, students and seniors FREE
Also know: Generously underwritten by The California Wellness Foundation. Photo by Flickr user adwriter.